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发布时间:2022-06-29 08:52:40人气:226来源:




Explanation of Revoke of US Visa

My name is XXX. I graduated from XXX high school in China. When I was in high school, I was profoundly interested in the subject of science and achieved very high grades in all science related subjects. However, when I enter college, I studied Financial Management in XXX Institute of Science & Technology, for my parents insisted that I study business or accounting so that it is very easy for me to find decent jobs. After graduation, I applied for pursuing master degree in the United States.

I still abided by my parents’ wish and obtained a master degree in commerce economic development from N university in the United States in 2021. Yet, for all these years, I find it so boring to learn something that I really have no interest at all.

At school in USA, I frequently contacted and seek advice from Mr Liu Yi, one of my father’s friend, who graduated with a Phd degree from Princeton University and is now a Scientist who is devoted to the research and development of anti-cancer drugs. I was very much interested in pursuing Phd degree in Chemistry for I am particularly interested in doing experiments.Since there is a large gap between my current major and the Phd degree in Chemistry, I frequently seek his advice on whether I may get offer to Pursue Phd degree in Chemistry.

Mr Liu told me that it is quite possible to get the offer as long as I got a good GRE score(attached hereunder is the proof of our talk via wechat), and so I made up of my mind to take the GRE test and I applied for a language school called F.

After I got the offer of the language school FLS, I traveled out of USA and when I tried to enter USA, I was questioned by the immigration officer, who find that the language school name is not the same as that one appeared in the visa. I explained to him that after finishing the master degree, I applied for language program with the aim to pursue Phd in Chemistry. But the immigration officer did not believe that I will pursue Phd in Chemistry for there is so large a gap between this two majors. I tried my best to explain my intention to pursue Phd in Chemistry, but to no avail.

Eventually, the immigration officer revoked my visa........

文章由唐老师原创。唐老师:曾以托福写作满分,GMAT 720分的成绩获得美国密苏里哥伦比亚大学全额奖学金攻读工商管理硕士学位。毕业后在美国摩根士丹利担任对冲基金经理。回国后先后创立广州高蓝出入境服务有限公司和成都侨客商务服务有限公司。曾帮助100+清华,人大,上海复旦大学东北财经大学等学校的学生申请到美国TOP10学校。 下图是唐老师在美国大学的毕业证书,美国摩根士丹利的工作证明,在美国纽约证券交易所获得的投资顾问执照,美国佛罗里达国际大学以及阿肯色州立大学授权的招生代表证书,以及GMAT成绩单:







