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发布时间:2021-12-26 12:37:31人气:226来源:

I find that science subjects suit my inquisitive personality; I enjoy experimenting and understanding how the world works. For my Biology independent study module I chose to explore the process of organ transplantation, specifically the medicines that make it possible. I find it interesting how the development of these immunosuppressive drugs, has meant such a change in the quality of life for so many individuals. The knowledge I've gained from investigating this process has further fuelled my desire to study the vast and evolving field of Biomedical Science. The Access course I am currently studying for is providing me with invaluable study skills for adult learning and motivating me to take responsibility for my own education. The information I have come across in my own research has highlighted how the chemical aspects of medicine are just as important as the biological, thus aiding my decision to study the Chemistry and Biology modules. So far I have achieved distinctions in all my assignments, and consider this is a true reflection of my abilities, much more than my underperformance at A level.

My primary responsibility has been to care for my older brother who is severely Autistic, for the past three years I have been his main carer at home earning a small wage from Disability Focus. Caring for an adult with a developmental disability presents challenges. Having been in a position where I have had to put his needs before my own has made me a more mature and patient individual. My brother also has difficulty communicating, most of the time I am needed to speak on his behalf when others are not aware of his circumstances, consequently my communication skills are well developed and prove valuable in other aspects of my life. One of the first times I remember researching into the world of medicine was when I looked up what Risperidone was, the drug my brother was prescribed. I was interested in knowing how it worked. After learning about its effects on neurotransmitters and its interactions with receptors in the brain, I began to gain an understanding of how this medicine was benefiting my brother and the role it played in his treatment. For me this highlighted the complexity of what goes on inside the body when a drug is put to use and what the outcome can be. This created further anticipation at the thought of delving deeper into the field. I am very much looking forward to the pharmacology aspect of the course.

Recently I have been gaining work experience at a dental practice in order to find out more about the practical applications of biomedical sciences. This has given me the opportunity to understand the science behind a working dental practice by observing procedures and the use of anaesthetics. I have also been learning about the use of digital X-rays which are relatively new to the facility. My eldest brother is a Specialist Registrar in Emergency Medicine and although I don't personally see myself as a clinician, I regularly converse with him about the various scientific breakthroughs that affect his career. He has also given me back copies of his British Medical Journals, which I read from time to time, providing me with a lot of interesting material.

I have a young nephew, and take responsibility for his well-being whilst babysitting. In my free time I love to read a variety of literature, from modern pop-culture, to ancient myths and legends. The Biological Sciences Review publication is something I regularly read, and recently found the advances in treatment for Hepatitis C fascinating. I am also currently running a blog where I write reviews and first impressions on various consumer-lifestyle products, sharing my opinions. I trust that the life experience I have gained, alongside a real enthusiasm for the subject and a high level of determination, stand me in good stead for a career in Biomedical Sciences and I would be delighted to become a part of the ever-expanding scientific community.







