tel: 028-64716573


发布时间:2021-11-28 08:25:37人气:226来源:

My determination to study Construction Project Management at university stems from my ambition to work as a project manager in construction, engineering and architecture. I have always been interested in creating and building; as I have grown older, I have gained an interest in the relationships between people and their environment and how this can be harmonious, useful but also negative. I am fascinated by the design and construction of our built surroundings. Growing up in China, I have witnessed a huge wave of new construction; I have watched the transformation of our city landscapes and the growth of our cities. This relatively new expansion of the Chinese construction industry has created a great demand for new talent and I want devote myself and what I learn on this course to being part of it, in my future career; positively affecting the world, in which we live.

Modern life relies upon the innovations of engineering and architecture, and developments in these disciplines can make our lives more convenient, enjoyable and colourful. Playing a role in the professional progression of these fields is incredibly important to me and making a true success of this course is the beginning of achieving that future role. Studying with your institution would mean for me the opportunity to begin my career with the best, I like the structure of this course and feel it will best aid my academic development. My last experience of studying in Britain was very positive; optimism and self-motivation allowed me to make the best my education as well as a new environment. This success has given me confidence to strive for further academic success in the UK.


I feel my qualifications in Maths and Physics provide me with a useful basis to begin my journey towards to working in structural engineering, construction and architecture and I look forward to furthering my understanding of both of these disciplines in relation to construction, as well as learning new skills for managing projects. Independent inquiry, problem solving and innovative thinking are essential in these subjects and I look forward to putting my ability in these skills to use on your course.

I also feel that my leadership experience, organisation and teamwork will benefit my studies. At my last school, I was an active student leader and Publicity Director for the student association of the top elite school in my home town. At Batley Grammar School, I worked with teachers and students on managing Chinese student issues. I led, coordinated, and followed up on a number of discussions, requiring excellent organisation, initiative and management. I have also learned about teamwork and motivation from many of my sporting activities, including table tennis. Playing the piano since a young age has also taught me a great deal about the rewards of hard work, practice, attention to detail and self motivation.


Outside education, I have found travelling and experiencing different human and natural landscapes inspiring in terms of  the diversity of architecture and engineering. Tibet, Taiwan, Japan and Canada are some of my favourite destinations for taking in renowned architectural achievements, and sketching and recording the detail of these to allow me to develop my ideas and skills on the theory and technique of construction. I like to talk to local people about these buildings to gain their perspective and interesting local history. I also enjoy watching documentaries about construction, architecture and engineering.


I feel I have the personal, practical and academic skills to become an excellent construction project manager. I want to use my interest and my ability to make a great success of this course and to learn as much as I can. I hope to take what I learn on this course back to China, where there is a huge demand for construction projects.




唐老师:曾以托福写作满分,GMAT 720分的成绩获得美国密苏里哥伦比亚大学全额奖学金攻读工商管理硕士学位。毕业后在美国摩根士丹利担任基金经理。回国后先后创立广州高蓝出入境服务有限公司和成都侨客商务服务有限公司。曾帮助100+清华,人大,上海复旦大学,东北财经大学等学校的学生申请到美国TOP10学校。申请美国,英国名校,或者想通过我们撰写高质量的ESSAY或PS,欢迎添加微信:17323092651。








