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发布时间:2021-11-27 08:31:59人气:226来源:

I hail from a family of successful engineers, and I have observed the profession carefully since my childhood. From an early age, I possessed a creative instinct and desire to work with mechanics. Simultaneously, my schooling revealed my keen interest for science and my consistent academic performances instilled confidence about my capabilities. 

My interest in mechanics blossomed at the tender age of seven when my father gave me Hot Wheels cars as presents. As time progressed, I became more interested in the theories and the technical aspects of the mechanics; eventually, I dreamt of making my own robots someday. My pursuit for learning programming started in Year 9, when I designed a simple robotics arm by using CAD. Ever since, I have enhanced my programming skills by learning CAD independently. Currently, I have designed some prototypes robotics arms. These achievements were noticed by several friends in the school. Since my Year 11, I have been actively involved in my school's robotics team. In retrospect, engineering was a natural career choice for me. Being an international applicant who is from Malaysia, discovering and choosing a institution that fulfilled all my needs was a rigorous yet exciting task. I was lucky to find a college that had everything that I could possibly want in Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT). I especially have the enthusiasm in Challenge X and EcoCAR because I can continue my interest in mechanics and put in my effort to improve the vehicle that uses B20 biodiesel fuel to move.

During my secondary school years, I have taken a broad range of subjects from 3 languages to 3 sciences, from moral studies to world history, and I hope to continue this breadth in college. I am a believer in the interrelation of many disciplines. For example, the logical method of thinking encompassed in calculus can help when analyzing a philosopher’s argument. Man does not live by bread alone and the same applies for math, history, or other subjects. Overall,a broader education would be more satisfying because I’d be stimulating all parts of the mind.

RHIT’s core curriculum would provide me with background in all disciplines and consequently allow me to develop a wider perspective. Without an extensive perspective, how can one honestly make good decisions? Simply put, I have a passion for learning. At the RHIT, there will be students and teachers with similar enthusiasm who loves science, mathematics and engineering. As an easterner, I’d be able to learn best among these kinds of westerner students because everyone cares and loves.


唐老师:曾以托福写作满分,GMAT 720分的成绩获得美国密苏里哥伦比亚大学全额奖学金攻读工商管理硕士学位。毕业后在美国摩根士丹利担任基金经理。回国后先后创立广州高蓝出入境服务有限公司和成都侨客商务服务有限公司。曾帮助100+清华,人大,上海复旦大学,东北财经大学等学校的学生申请到美国TOP10学校。申请美国,英国名校,或者想通过我们撰写高质量的ESSAY或PS,欢迎添加微信:17323092651。








