发布时间:2021-11-02 06:07:27人气:226来源:
Questions regarding the reason for my liking of mathematics have only one answer: mathematical logic and concepts contribute to a practical approach in every aspect of life.It is the diversity and universal applicability of this subject that encourages me to delve further and study it in depth. It will provide a strong foundation for the range of careers that I wish to pursue after graduation.
Due to some problems I was not a diligent student in middle school. This affected my grades as expected. Due to poor grades, I didn’t attend a very good high school .
Starting from the 2nd year of high school, I suddenly changed to an entirely different person, working extremely diligent on all subjects. I am particularly interested in mathematics and ranked NO1 in my class in each major math exam. At the National College Entrance Examination,I was among the top 100 students in Hunan and I almost achieved full grade in Mathematics. I was admitted by Nankai University, one of the most elite Universities in China to study mathematics. The school’s mathematics program is the best in China.
After all this I realised that throughout my life, I have always found a way to succeed, regardless of the obstacles placed before me. As a result, I am a firm believer that nothing could be taken for granted. I know that all that I accomplish and achieve must be earned.
More than just achieving good grades, I wanted to develop a practical approach to my professional life. During the summer vocation, I once worked for a fashion design company where I developed their entire website.
I am the founder and the current president of the student union for Information Technology at my college. As the President, I have been successful in grooming and budding new talent. I have also organized a number of I.T events including a graphic designing competition which was greatly appreciated by the participants of other schools.
This has polished my leadership qualities and has taught me the importance of working as part of a team. I have learned to successfully balance my academic and co-curricular activities and I wish to continue with the same zeal at university.
I look forward to an exchange of ideas as I pursue an education in the UK. I envision myself as an ambassador for my country who can promote the exchange of students and professionals between Europe and Asia.
This is particularly true in mathematics and its related areas, which I wish to pursue. But I believe that committed people like myself can use our foreign training to create more opportunities for talented individuals.
I have great passion for Mathematics and consider it integral to any career.
This education will not only give me the academic grounds to enter careers like actuarial science, financial mathematics and research, but the social experience in itself is something to look forward to.
I wish to continue my journey of learning at an institution with broad resources and diversity and then share my learning with millions that are deprived of a similar opportunity.
唐老师:曾以托福写作满分,GMAT 720分的成绩获得美国密苏里哥伦比亚大学全额奖学金攻读工商管理硕士学位。毕业后在美国摩根士丹利担任基金经理。回国后先后创立广州高蓝出入境服务有限公司和成都侨客商务服务有限公司。曾帮助100+清华,人大,上海复旦大学,东北财经大学等学校的学生申请到美国TOP10学校。申请美国,英国名校,或者想通过我们撰写高质量的ESSAY或PS,欢迎添加微信:17323092651。