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发布时间:2021-10-25 02:55:20人气:226来源:

Engineering Essay Sample

I became obsessed with flying when I was only 5 years old. I would spend the whole day watching birds fly, noting how the angle of their wings affected their flight. I would then waste tons of fresh printer paper, much to the dismay of my parents, to test out various wing types by constructing paper airplanes.

One day, this obsession reached its peak.

I decided to fly.

I built a plane out of a wooden clothes rack and blankets, with trash bags as precautionary parachutes. As you can imagine, the maiden flight didn’t go so well. After being in the air for a solid second, the world came crashing around me as I slammed onto the bed, sending shards of wood flying everywhere.

Yet, even as a five-year-old, my first thoughts weren’t about the bleeding scratches that covered my body. Why didn’t the wings function like a bird’s wings? Why did hitting something soft break my frame? Why hadn’t the parachutes deployed correctly? Above all, why didn’t I fly?

As I grew older, my intrinsic drive to discover why stimulated a desire to solve problems, allowing my singular passion of flying to evolve into a deep-seated love of engineering.

At beijing No 4 high school, one of the elite high schools in Beijing, I  challenged myself academically. I completed all science and math courses with top grade in the class by the end of my junior year.  I developed an innate understanding of topics such as protein function in the brain early in high school, and developed a strong science and math foundation to supplement my passion for engineering.

I spent most of my days understanding the why behind things, while also discovering solutions to prevalent issues. In a world that increasingly prioritizes a singular solution, I am captivated by engineering’s ability to continuously offer better answers to each problem.

Thirteen years have passed since that maiden flight, and I have yet to crack physical human flight. My five-year-old self would have seen this as a colossal failure. But the intense curiosity that I found in myself that day is still with me. It has continued to push me, forcing me to challenge myself to tackle ever more complex problems, engrossed by the promise and applicability of engineering.

I may never achieve human flight. However, now I see what once seemed like a crash landing as a runway, the platform off of which my love of engineering first took flight.


文章最大的亮点是大胆的提出很多问题。表现出自己的好奇心,求知欲和智慧。 在文章开头,问了下面的这些问题“Why didn’t the wings function like a bird’s wings? Why did hitting something soft break my frame? Why hadn’t the parachutes deployed correctly? Above all, why didn’t I fly?

在写申请大学的文书时,不要害怕提出一些很尖锐很难回答的问题, 例如本文中,作者最终也没能实现飞行,但这种好奇心和求知欲一直推动着他学习新的科学知识,让他对工程专业有着浓厚的兴趣,希望通过深入学习工程专业,解决很多实际问题。在写文书时,你可以大胆提出很多尖锐的问题,同时并不一定要自己给出答案。


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